Home » Certified Cost Professional (CCP) in de praktijk

Opleiding: Certified Cost Professional (CCP) in de praktijk

Bij: IMF Academy (International Management Forum)


IMF Academy (International Management Forum)

Fellenoord 224


The role of the cost engineer

The course is introduced by a presentation of the AACE certification process and professional title variations, followed by elaborating on the framework of Cost Engineering and Total Cost Management. The estimating cycle, methodologies, classifications and cost control methodologies are discussed to support the importance of the role of cost engineering in projects. Furthermore, a process overview of the Total Cost Framework is introduced, including topics such as strategic asset management, risk management, project control, etc.

The following major topics are discussed:

- presentation of the AACE certification
- introduction to cost engineering
- the role of the cost engineer
- the basics of Total Cost Management (TCM)

Cost estimating methodologies and classifications

The second day of the course will focus on Cost estimating methodologies and classifications. Important topics are the definition and types of cost elements and their differentiation from pricing (business and economic ratios). In addition, materials and labour are discussed, to assist in identifying project materials and issues involved in selecting and handling materials, classifications of labour rates and how each contributes to the final completed project. Moreover, cost estimating methodologies and classifications to determine estimate accuracy levels are discussed. Practical examples will illustrate the content of the course. A number of quizzes and exercises are included so that you can immediately put your newly acquired knowledge into practice.

The following major topics are discussed:

- cost elements
- pricing
- material
- labour
- cost estimating

Statistics, economics, and finance

The focus of the third day is on basic knowledge of statistics, economics, and finance. You will be provided with the required elements to understand economic costs, such as inflation, depreciation, escalation, governmental cost impacts, etc., in order to be able to evaluate the differences between twomore alternative courses of action. You will also focus on engineering economics and become familiarized with techniques that assist in the solution of substantial engineering problems. Moreover, you will learn how statistics and probabilities can assist you in examining data in order to draw conclusions. Practical examples will illustrate the content of the course. A number of quizzes and exercises are included so that you can immediately put your newly acquired knowledge into practice.

The following major topics are discussed:

- economic costs
- basic engineering economics
- statistics and probability

Planning, cost control, and progress measurement

The focus of day 4 is on planning, cost control, and progress measurement. The importance of planning is discussed as well as understanding its major elements and identifying the available planning tools. In addition, scheduling methods and techniques - including their benefits and risks - are illustrated. Progress measurement and earned value management techniques are dealt with, identifying methods for measuring progress, defining the concepts of earned value, and how to use it in order to analyze cost and schedule performance. Practical examples will illustrate the content of the course. A number of quizzes and exercises are included so that you can immediately put your newly acquired knowledge into practice.

The following major topics are discussed:

- planning
- scheduling
- progress measurement and earned value
- earned value for variable budgets
- tracking cost and schedule performance

Cost engineering fundamentals within project management

On day 5, the fundamentals of cost engineering within project management will be discussed. You will get acquainted with performance and productivity management, project management fundamentals and the project organization structure. In addition, the need and development of proper project planning is illustrated as well as project labour cost control and leadership and managing project people. Questions and exercises will help you put these theoretical concepts into practice.

The following major topics are discussed:

- performance and productivity management
- project management fundamentals
- project organization structure
- project planning
- project labour cost control
- leadership and management of project people

Cost management, quality management, value management, and contract management

A broad scope of engineering will be discussed, such as process and product design and production processes, patents and trade secrets, equipment parts, and tools. Activity-based cost management is illustrated to understand its importance with regard to strategic purposes, such as profit margin analysis and asset utilization. Process and discrete product manufacturing is discussed as a means to determine operating and manufacturing costs and to distinguish between different cost types. Quality management, value analysis and strategic asset management are also discussed, as well as their characteristics and importance. To gain practical experience, many exercises and examples are included.

The following major topics are discussed:

- engineering
- equipment, parts, and tools
- activity-based cost management
- process and discrete product manufacturing
- quality management
- value analysis
- strategic asset management

Risk management and common cost engineering practices

On day 7, common cost engineering practices will be explained, such as net present worth and equivalent uniform annual costbenefit. Practical exercises will help you put the theory into practice. Other topics that will be dealt with include contracting for capital projects to understand the basic requirements of a contract, key clauses, and how to choose among different types. Basic concepts in descriptive statistics are also discussed as a useful means for the analysis of information. A discussion of risk management will help you understand how to develop techniques and methods to deal with anticipated and unanticipated events.

The following major topics are discussed:

- net present worth and equivalent uniform annual costbenefit
- contracting for capital projects
- basic concepts in descriptive statistics
- risk management

Comprehensive cost engineering skills and knowledge case

You will take part in a series of twelve assignments that are based on the course material of all previous days. This gives you, with the guidance of your instructors, the opportunity to practice your knowledge in an interactive way, and to thoroughly prepare for the upcoming Certified Cost Professional (CCP) exam.

The following major topics are discussed:

- assignment 1: discuss estimating plan
- assignment 2: class 5 estimate preparation
- assignment 3: discuss basis of estimate preparation
- assignment 4: questions on cost elements
- assignment 5: economic feasibility of a project
- assignment 6: unit conversion
- assignment 7: equipment factor estimate
- assignment 8: long term cost of ownership
- assignment 9: network planning
- assignment 10: equipment depreciation
- assignment 11: questions on statistics
- assignment 12: earned value management

Certified Cost Professional (CCP) - exam preparation

This day is devoted to optimally prepare you for the Certified Cost Professional (CCP) exam. You can test your knowledge through a pilot exam that simulates the final exam.

Recap cost engineering skills and knowledge, and paper preparation

These last two days serve as a platform to recap cost engineering skills and knowledge. You will go through the full material of the previous days to review all subjects and get a chance to solve final doubts and questions before the exam.

The following major topics are discussed:

- introduction to the Cost Professional (CCP) certification
- recap cost engineering skills and knowledge
- basic and applied engineering economics
- statistics and probability
- basic concepts in descriptive statistics
- schedule the AACE certification exam
- Certified Cost Professional (CCP) and technical paper submittal requirements
- the Certified Cost Professional (CCP) exam
- how to write a certification paper

Toelatingseisen: wat heb je nodig?

Wanneer u aan het internationale Cost Professional examen van de AACE wilt deelnemen moet u ten minste 8 jaar professionele (werk)ervaring hebben. Beschikt u niet over 8 jaar werkervaring, dan wordt een 4-jarige bachelor of master opleiding in een relevante studierichting als 4 jaar ervaring geteld. Mocht u niet aan de gestelde eisen voldoen, dan kunt u zich inschrijven voor de Certified Cost Technician (CCT) opleiding.


11 dagen


De kosten van de 9-daagse Certified Cost Professional (CCP) training bedragen € 7.310 (excl. BTW) per persoon. Dit bedrag is inclusief het officiële Certified Cost Professional (CCP) examen (t.w.v. € 550), het officiële studiemateriaal van AACE International plus uitgebreide documentatie, geschreven door de docenten. Daarnaast wordt u intensief begeleid bij het schrijven van uw technisch paper. Vanzelfsprekend zijn koffie, thee en alle lunches eveneens inbegrepen. U kunt zowel fysiek als live online deelnemen.


De Certified Cost Professional opleiding wordt in het Nederlands gegeven tenzij er aanmeldingen uit het buitenland zijn. In dat geval zal de opleiding in het Engels gegeven worden. Het officiële studiemateriaal en het materiaal dat door de docenten is samengesteld is in de Engels taal.

IMF Academy is gespecialiseerd in het ontwikkelen en uitgeven van (veelal schriftelijke) cursussen en opleidingen. Deze sluiten direct aan bij het belangstellingsniveau van professionals en bestrijken onder meer het Security, Financiële, Logistieke, HRM en IT-vakgebied. IMF is al meer dan 30 jaar actief op de Nederlandse markt en sinds 18 jaar ook internationaal. De internationale cursussen en opleidingen worden in meer dan veertig landen verkocht.

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Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

Een professionele cost engineer c.q. een Certified Cost Professional (CCP) is van levensbelang voor de winstgevendheid van projecten. In deze praktijkopleiding - de enige ter wereld die zowel de praktijk als de voorbereiding op het internationale Certified Cost Professional (CCP) examen van de AACE behandelt - nemen de zeer ervaren docenten alle fijne kneepjes van het vak met u door. Aan de hand van de beste, internationaal beproefde technieken voor estimating, planning en cost control, komen alle aspecten van kostenbeheersing gedurende elke fase van een project uitgebreid aan de orde.

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