Home » Advanced Email Security

Opleiding: Advanced Email Security

Bij: CLS Trainingen


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Algemene informatie over de cursus

It is very important for organisations to set up their email facilities in a way that will make it difficult for phishing attacks and malware distribution, as the average user does not have the knowledge or tools required to identify and stop these activities.

The training Advanced Email Security is about helping your organisation to stop email abuse and remove the burden of email security from the users. Email security can seem like a daunting task, but it is important to protect your email accounts from hackers and other online threats. There are many different ways to secure email for your organisation, so start by learning about the different options available.

The training is the perfect place to start. In this course, we will teach you everything you need to know about email security, from the basics of how to set up basic security to using advanced email authentication protocols and certificates for maximum security against phishing-related attacks.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • understand the importance of email security;
  • explain the different ways that you can protect your email account;
  • understand how to set up your email account for maximum security;
  • implement various email security measures in your own company;
  • evaluate the email security requirements;
  • apply advanced email security for your organization.

Labs will be used throughout this course. You will have the opportunity to put what you've learned into practice through a series of hands-on labs.

You will receive printed courseware, electronic reading materials, access to the course lab exercises, access to a domain name registered domain and an additional book on related topics.

System Requirements

Some of the labs will be performed in the cloud and others on your local laptops. As such, you need to have admin access to your system and be able to access the internet. Therefore, your system should meet the following requirements:

  • a modern laptop with full Admin access;
  • unrestricted internet;
  • an OpenSSH client installed;
  • a PDF reader.


This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn about email security, or for those who want to brush up on their knowledge. Whether you are an IT manager, system administrator, or just a regular user, this course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to protect your email from online threats. The following roles can also benefit from the course: - network security professionals; - system administrators; - email administrations; - security analysts; - security consultants; - security managers.


This course assumes that you have a basic understanding of security operations and some understanding of email systems, TLS, and DNS, basic networking and security concepts.


The duration of the course is two days.


The maximum amount of participants is eight persons.


After the course you will receive a certificate.

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